We have uploaded some pictures and videos from the 2018 Cincinnati Men's Conference to the Cincinnati Men's Conference group on ColligoWorld. Please visit your ColligoWorld account, go to the Cincinnati Men's Conference group and click on the link "Albums" to see the pictures and/or click on the link "videos" to see the videos. We ask that all of you upload any pictures or videos you may have taken from the event and share them with the group by uploading them to the Cincinnati Mens' Conference group. We truly appreciate your participation in doing this as it will enrich the visuals for future years.
On a sadder note, we regret to inform everyone that the professional recordings done by the Taft Theatre failed to render. It is with a heavy heart we are faced with the realization that the talks from the day were not captured to video. Thus, making it more crucial we get everyone to post any videos and pictures they may have taken to the group. Thank you for your participation and God Bless.
Don't forget to continue connecting with each other via ColligoWorld.
God Bless,
Cincinnati Men's Conference Group Staff