
Service Work Announcements

Brothers in Christ,

Let us begin, as a group of Disciples of Christ, to go forth and do His works. 


The Three Eminent Good Works: PRAYER, FASTING and ALMSGIVING

THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY The seven practices of Catholic charity towards our neighbor’s BODY

1.Feeding the hungry 2.Giving drink to the thirsty 3.Clothing the naked 4.Sheltering the homeless 5.Visiting the sick 6.Visiting the imprisoned 7.Burying the dead

THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY The seven practices of the Catholic charity Toward our neighbor’s SOUL

1.Counseling the doubtful 2.Instructing the ignorant 3.Admonishing the sinner 4.Comforting the sorrowful 5.Forgiving injuries 6.Bearing wrongs patiently 7.Praying for the living and the dead 


As discussed, we will be utilizing Colligo as the platform that keeps us Catholic Men bound together. An announcement is simply made. When viewing our Waukesha Catholic Men Group page, simply click on make an announcement, title the announcement with the type of work it is and place information in the comment section with what the need is and who to contact. This will allow any individual that's called by Jesus to go forth and serve Him. Gentlemen, please keep in mind that we are leaders of our families and it is our primary responsibility to show them the narrow path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Be sure they know exactly why we do the things we do and take them along, if possible, on the works we do. This allows them to be united with us in our works of mercy. Our works also provides the opportunity to share words of truth, as they have been revealed to us by our relationship with Jesus Christ and our understanding of His Catholic Church. Several of you have made me aware of works that you are already involved in. Please post an announcement on them to make us all aware of the opportunities we have to serve Jesus. The peace of our Lord be with you all.

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